Friday, August 4, 2017

The Undrainable Swamp

The establishment’s concerns have less to do with peace and security than raising sales, earnings, and stock prices in the Atlantic-area's military industrial complex. And the establishment won’t abide any threat to its power.

The Swamp is so undrainable that it will end up making mincemeat of Donald Trump.... The ultimate causes of his demise are anchored deep in the failing status quo. America is so addicted to war, debt, and central bank driven false prosperity that even the most resourceful and focused challenger would be taken down by its sheer inertia.

But [Trump] is so undisciplined, naïve, out-of-touch, thin-skinned, unfocused, and megalomaniacal that he is making it far easier for the Swamp critters than they deserve. To a very considerable extent, in fact, he is filling out his own bill of indictment.

-- David Stockman (The Daily Reckoning) August 4, 2017

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