Tuesday, February 21, 2017


[Donald Trump] is now fully at war with the mainstream media and the national security apparatchiks of the Deep State — and nothing could be more conducive to exposing the folly of Washington's imperial adventures abroad and its fiscal bankruptcy at home.... [T]he "Trump is soft on Russia" meme is nothing more than the desperate attempt of the Deep State to protect its dirty secret that America has no real enemies that can militarily threaten the homeland.... The ruling elites are determined to take the Donald down, and whether they succeed or not, it is extremely probable that Washington will grind to a halt — Watergate era style — by early spring....

[E]conomic recovery and the restoration of honest democracy in America depend upon a plunge in the wildly inflated stock market. It is that event which would finally discredit the monetary central planners at the Fed, destroy the insidious regime of Bubble Finance they have created, [and expose] the financial fraud which has permitted the Imperial City to fund the nation's bloated Warfare State and Welfare State with reckless abandon. Fiscal rectitude will only return when a thundering financial trauma demonstrates to the American public that a money printing central bank is its mortal enemy and that the Fed's charter to buy government debt and rig interest rates and stock prices must be forever revoked.

-- David Stockman (The Daily Reckoning) Feb. 21, 2017

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