The American people are tired of our ‘endless wars’ and seem to understand that long-term military commitments like those in Afghanistan and Iraq don’t serve our national interests and aren’t worth the costs. With nearly 70 percent responding in favor of bringing our troops home from Afghanistan and Iraq, it’s clear that our approach to the Middle East doesn’t square with the will of the American people who bear the human and financial costs of these decisions. Unfortunately, the Washington foreign policy establishment, including many in government, has resisted real change....
Americans look ready for a more thorough-going rethink of our foreign policy and shift away from the military-first strategies that have seen trillions in tax dollars spent and thousands of American lives lost. The president’s instincts on ending endless wars are with the American public’s. He should work to withdraw our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan and forge a different path forward in the Middle East—one that employs the many other, less expensive, and more effective tools in the statecraft toolbox.
[W]e need to stay focused on what America’s long-run national interests require and define our approach... based on that.... [A] full and speedy withdrawal of our troops is imperative. Our national interest isn’t served by continuing to wage a futile battle, but by exiting it.
-- William Ruger (Koch Institute) January 23, 2020